Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Report 4

Words written yesterday: 1,754. Total words written: 4,467. Words left: 45,533. Days left: 24.

Words per day to finish on time: 1,898.

Progress Clip: “I’m on fire!” she screeched in mortal terror. She scrambled to her feet in a flurry of ash.

Yes, I found it amusing. Her hair caught on fire. Because of a giant beetle. But I won't bore you with the details, of course not.

I'll probably end up "extending the deadline" later; college prep has suddenly pressed into the foreground, and if I want to publish something, I'd have a much better chance with a collection of short stories instead. So I get to write even more stuff now. Like

maybe a sweet romance centered around the internet and geeky pickup phrases--

or a teen whose friends crack seemingly harmless jokes in school, but when he comes home to take care of his older brother, it's suddenly clear why he didn't laugh with them--

or possibly a relationship study between a bucking teen and her tiger mother--

but I would still very, very much like to finish this damned book first. So at the most I'm giving myself one extra month. I'm not going to get much sleep, am I...(but I think it'll be fun).

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