Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Report 19

After much heckling and hassling and pulling of hair, I was introduced to the world of efficient time-management. I must admit, life makes a little more sense now. Writing was neglected the day before though, my apologies.
In the meantime, I've discovered the agony of providing information to the readers without becoming an info dump. "Show, not tell." Harder than it sounds; especially when the only three characters available to my use thus far are stuck in a pitch black chasm. In this case, it's more like "Stick your hand out and hope your fingers don't get burned off, not tell."

Words written yesterday: 400. Total words: 7,148. Words left: 42,852. Days left: 40.

Words left to finish on time: 1,072.

Progress clip: “The dragon lurks here, black as the night, with claws of malice and breath of flame. It is the Devourer, the Grim Wreathe; a terrible creature."

((read Sun Road here))

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