I'm finally almost at the 10,000 word check point, which means I should be about one fifth of the way through. The plot outline begs to differ. I'm gonna have to redesign it again and make it simpler - every time I let myself get carried away I add too much unnecessary crap, then realize I don't even know what the point of the whole novel is anymore and have to slash slash slash rewrite. At least an outline lets me slash before I've already written the whole thing (*cough* NaNoWriMo *cough*). And why am I so sloowwwww!? I spent over an hour yesterday and barely managed one Word page. I can't imagine how I ever managed to do it back in November.
I wish it were leap year. Then I'd have one extra day.
Ah, well. Better get busy.
Words written yesterday: 678. Total words: 9,897. Words left: 40,103. Days left: 32.
Words per day to finish on time: 1,254.
Progress clip: “It’s so beautiful,” she said, as if in apology. She asked to be able to hold it.
“You would only burn yourself. Girl, remember this: fire is not a thing to be toyed with.”
She had to content herself with watching from a distance.((read Sun Road here))
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