Tuesday, March 26, 2013

If I Weren't Underage, I'd Be Drinking While Writing This

For the first time in my life, I have the sudden really strong desire to talk to someone. About anything.
Strange, really - I'm not the kind of person who chats on the phone with her friends. I never used to chat at all unless by pure social necessity. And yet here I am, having a conversation with an assembly of lights on a computer screen that spell out, "Lonely and Trying to Grow Up."

Things are happening, and none of them are as dramatic or exciting or fulfilling as I thought they would be. I am failing at being superb. It makes me feel like a failure at everything.
In a sense I am. Sun Road is failing. I am at 21,000 words and have been there for five days, and March is basically done. Spring Break is not the productive source of all my great successes that I had bargained everything on for it to be. I can see it in my story habits - I jump from section to section, Sun Road to cartoon script to short story to poem to fanfiction to blurb, restless, burning with a desperate need to get something done, but confused as to what, lost as to where, forgotten as to how. God I need to calm down.

Two pages of my novel a day. That's all I ask of myself.
I beg this of myself. Have prayed it for two months now.
And I've managed one page a day at most.

Habit is a strong force. Back in November, I could do this - I sat myself down for two to three hours every day, just writing. But now I can't bring myself to focus for more than one hour at a time. I've spent too long fooling my minutes and hours and days away. Now, when it counts, when my life is a series of open doors that will no longer wait considerately for me to reach them before closing, when I haven't a moment to spare, I have gotten into the habit of failure.

I need to talk to someone about all this. I've never needed that before. I don't talk about myself. I talk about the weather, I talk about school, I talk about how beautiful life is and that we should all look forward to what tomorrow holds. I don't speak of my despairs.

The hopeful side of me says that this is a good sign. I don't use books to run away from myself anymore. I can't. There is far, far too much I need to say, and not enough time to listen to all the others say their parts. I have my own self to write down.

I could laugh at myself. The rest of the world assumes that all my stress originates in schoolwork, and college researching, when really these are only the messy brightly-colored sideshows to the greatest, blackest exhibition of my soul. All I can think about is how I need to write and how I can't write. My world is so small, yet so terrible and vast. It's the world within my mind.

Too many...


  1. Hey! Don't give up yet! It took me two years to write my first novel... and it's more of a novelette than a novel.

    You'll get there, V!

    1. Aw, thanks! yeah I'm good now. And you never told me you wrote a novelette - show me!
