Monday, April 1, 2013

And So It Goes

Happy April Fool's, everyone!

--They don't give it much thought, the poltergeists; this day is just like any other. More tricks to pull. More property to trash. More people to hate. But then they notice something strange, and they stop to watch in silent awe (or as much awe as a poltergeist can muster, anyways): the living are playing pranks too. And the strangest part is the way they laugh as they do it, and the people who got pranked laugh too, mostly, and the way that everyone's just going about their business and laughing instead of having mental breakdowns and getting shut up in a straightjacket as is prone to happen with poltergeists playing around. Poltergeists don't laugh, you see. They cackle, but they don't laugh. The dead don't laugh very easily.
But even the poltergeists, these creatures who have long forgotten their own names in favor of a rankling emotion that stings and claws and that even they can't put a finger on, these sorrowful cackling dead, even they can recognize the laughter of the fools and wish they were as wise as we.--

On another note, Sunroad's still kicking around feebly in the back of my mind, so I write just enough every day to remember where the plot's going and because I've already got almost 25,000 words down (0 - 0 amazes me every time I sit down to think about it, even though it really shouldn't); who knows, maybe by the last day of school it'll actually be finished, ready for Draft #3, if the plot doesn't get any more complicated than it is now. And also there is Camp Nanowrimo. Which I'm kinda cheating through. But meh, I'll still post my progress here, anyways.

Words written yesterday: Not...really any, no. Total words: 24,400. Heck yes.

Progress clip:

            “You do not…‘command’ us,” the woman said, and paused thoughtfully. “Perhaps ‘commission’ is a better word. We are not the same as soldiers, after all. We are more like mercenaries. We do as we please.”
            “Then, what kind of orders do I give?”
            “Hunting orders."

Other ongoing writing projects: short story due for dA competition April 6 (theme: Sanctuary), comic collab with LitChron friend I should really finish today, other shorts to build up portfolio, etc...

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